Bins-n-Benches, source and supply manufactured items sutch as cigarette bins, wire mesh bins, galvanised steel dust bins, BSS galvanized dustbins, recycled plastic dustbins, recycled rubber dust bins, vandal resistant benches & seats in galvanised steel, recycled plastic,Vandal Resistant Street furniture, vandal resistant litter bin, waste bin, dog waste bin, vandal resistant bench, vehicle control bollards, barriers, gate and fencing ironmongery, wheely bin, hinge, pad bolt, Barrel barbecues, oil drum incinerator, vermin / animal traps, galvanised bucket, plastic dust bin, rubber dustbin, galvanised dustbin, galvanised container,basket & lots lots more.
They may cost a little
more but by using very heavy gauge hot dipped galvanized steel, which can be powder coated to most
standard B.S. colours, larger section treated timber and maintenance free
rot proof recycled plastic, Our products
are simply designed and built by us to last a lifetime.
Furthermore Our vandal resistant products
really are virtually indestructible, simply designed, never to be wrecked,
ravaged or replaced. Don't confuse any of Our manufactured
products within these pages with the so called competition, Ours are simply designed and built by us to be stronger and to last much much longer.

15" paint scuttle,self colour finish

classic BSS dustbin hot dipped galvanised finish

wall mounted cigarette bin powder coated finish |